About Us

Our Team

At Collective by DBA, our team is dedicated to empowering Collective members by providing them with a comprehensive support system that goes beyond traditional accounting practices. We believe in sharing the wealth of knowledge and experience we've gained through our own transformation in Dillon Business Advisors, and we do this by offering a variety of tools designed to help our members succeed.

Marcus Dillon, CPA

Co-founder, President

Rachel Dillon

Co-founder, Administrator

Amy McCarty, MBA

Co-founder, Director of Advisory

Ben Gabriel

Director of Firm Experience

Christine Nietzke, ODCP


Dillon Business Advisors

Life in our accounting firm before we refined our strategy, structure, and systems.

From January through April, our family became familiar with what many refer to as the "tax season widow" or "tax season orphan" experience. Marcus, deeply committed to the accounting firm, was often absent from our daily lives. Family events, social gatherings, and even simple dinner times were marked by the common refrain, “Where’s Dad?” or “I guess he’s still at the office.” To help alleviate some of the stress and spend more time together, I decided to join the firm, leaving behind my teaching career. But this decision, while well-intentioned, meant that our children lost not just their dad during tax season, but also their mom. The term “tax season orphans” began to feel all too real for our daughters.

We relied heavily on friends and family to help care for the girls, but they still spent countless hours at the office with us, reading books or keeping busy on devices. As they grew older, they started noticing that while their friends were enjoying Spring Break adventures, they were being coaxed with promises of Chick-fil-A and ice cream just to buy us a little more time to finish work. Nights, weekends, and holidays were consumed by the never-ending demands of tax deadlines, and our family’s health and happiness were suffering under the weight of 2,300 tax returns that passed through both of our hands.

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Gaining momentum for transformation

We knew we wanted something different for our accounting firm, and we knew we needed another perspective to make it happen. We met Amy McCarty, an industry advisor, who had a knack for helping others with firm software and building efficiencies in firm processes.  Amy understood our struggles, our vision for a better future, and had supported many other firms much further along their transformation journey, so we enlisted her for strategic support and accountability.

This relationship helped kickstart our momentum for transformation.  She was our sounding board, reassurance when doubt and fear tried to creep in, and a kick in the butt when we needed it. Through Amy, we met other firm owners navigating similar challenges and were able to surround ourselves with like-minded professionals, whom we now count as friends.

Fast forward to Dillon Business Advisors (DBA) now

Our lives are unrecognizable compared to those overwhelming years. We now have predictable, consistent workloads, amazing client relationships, and a team that genuinely loves their work while also prioritizing their families. Our client base has been intentionally reduced to less than 150 relationships, leading to higher revenue and a more sustainable business model.

Our strategy, structure, and systems have made it possible for our team members to enjoy quality time with their loved ones—even during Spring Break! Lezlie Reeves, CPA, who was hesitant to return to work after staying home with her three children, couldn’t imagine balancing a 50+ hour workweek and a commute. Now, she’s part of a team where work-life balance is truly respected. Mallory Wonnacott, CPA, was initially cautious about committing to 20 hours per week, fearing it would balloon to 40+ during tax season, as it had at other firms. She was pleasantly surprised to find that DBA runs in a way that allows her to stick to her preferred hours year-round, while still exceeding client expectations.

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Why Collective?

Marcus, who once had to escort team members to their cars late at night, now contributes just 400 production hours per year, down from the grueling 2,000 production hours he used to put in. Our amazing DBA team has stepped up, developing strong relationships with our clients and delivering exceptional service. The changes we’ve implemented have not only saved our family life but have also created a thriving work environment where everyone can succeed—without sacrificing what matters most.

In our journey, we realized the importance of having a supportive and motivating community. While we could have made some progress alone, our success can be attributed to those who have helped and encouraged us along the way.

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We're building a future where success is defined by the meaningful impact we have on our clients, our team, and our community. By fostering connections and inspiring professionals committed to continual growth and lasting legacies, we're reshaping the accounting industry. 

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Our journey from overwhelming tax seasons to a balanced, thriving firm is driven by our dedication to integrity, collaboration, and strong relationships. This transformation isn't just about numbers; it's about making a difference in the lives of those we serve and work alongside every day.

Are you ready to transform your own accounting firm, your own life?

Through our online community, Collective members have access to a wealth of strategies, tools, and templates that have been tested and refined within our own firm. We also host live events where members can connect, learn, and collaborate with like-minded professionals who share a commitment to excellence and growth.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) opportunities are a key component of our support system, ensuring that members stay ahead of industry trends and maintain their credentials.

Our mastermind groups, Collective Forums, offer a collaborative space where members can brainstorm, solve problems, and innovate together, guided by our team’s expertise.